Best Blogs for Writing and Publishing Advice

Here are my top picks for writing and self-publishing advice!

Michelle Massie

5/31/20233 min read

I could have never finished a novel, self-published it, and marketed my new book without the aid of several blogs that I subscribe to. Being new to the world of writing and self-publishing, I leaned heavily on blogs and other authors’ advice, and with their help and tips, my dream became a reality!

So I am here to tell you, a newbie or seasoned author, about the most helpful blogs I found in my indie author journey!

My number one go-to blog has got to be Now, Dave's site is more for the publishing aspect of the journey. Dave Chesson is my hero and has more videos, tutorials, posts, and software to purchase than one could ever imagine!

His main focus is self-publishing on Amazon and I had no idea how much actually went into it. I purchase all his software, which is incredible, and right now am actually taking his FREE Amazon Ads course. It’s an in-depth tutorial, and I’m grateful I don’t have to pay a dime for it. Here are some more of Dave’s awesome publishing tools!

Now these aren’t all of Kindlepreneur’s tools, I’d need another lengthy post for that. He has tons of guides and reviews, and I strongly encourage anyone who self-publishes to join his community! Especially anyone who plans on publishing on Amazon. He has all the ins and outs and tricks to make your book shine.

Another great site is MixtusMedia. Also a must for book marketing! I’ve gotten so many great tips on marketing and creative free ways to market and sell my book! I love how this blog is super conscious that not everyone out there is a millionaire. Great ideas! That being said, they do offer a variety of tools for reasonable prices to make marketing your book much less of a headache. Here are some of the awesome ones!

And much more! These are products for writers like myself who know nothing about social media and need the extra help! (And those who completely DESPISE social media!)

Now my third favorite is Paper Raven Books, who combine writing, publishing, and marketing on their website. They are a publishing company to help you every step of the way. And I mean every little step. Writing, editing, design, launch, etc. Though I haven’t used any of their services personally, I routinely follow their posts and videos for helpful information. Pinterest is a great place to read their posts and watch tutorials, and if you are lucky enough, sign up for their services!

Another one of my favorites is All of their downloads really helped me get my thoughts and book organized, even for a pantser like me. They have great resources for outlining, character development, setting, and EVERYTHING! It's so refreshing for new authors to be able to find all this information, and not have to pay for it! I so appreciate that, and I hope by reading this you'll go check out all their great posts and resources as well!

UPDATE! I have been contacted by a librarian at the request of a writer-to-be! She follows these articles and takes advantage of my FREE Resource Library! AND.... She has another great post to add to my list. After checking it out, I realize it is full of great money-saving tips and ideas, along with plenty of info about writing!

Thank you to Holly and Anna with the! Check out her suggestion here! Great for indie authors or those just starting who would like to save a few bucks!

(My downloads are awesome too, of course. Check them all out here!)

And there you have it! After countless hours scouring Pinterest for advice, tips, and tutorials, these three sites are the ones I could not live without! I hope you’ll check them out in your self-publishing journey!

Happy writing!


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